lundi 12 décembre 2011

Super Sweet New Companion !

Hi everybody !

Today I want to introduce you a new super sweet invention ! Please welcome "Little Printer" !

The only thing you have to do with this cute thing it to connect it to your smartphone, choose for great content to transfer and then Little Printer delivers you a small but really cute "newspapers" of your day and highlighted events !

To know more about Little Printer see the video below !

Hello Little Printer, available 2012 from BERG on Vimeo

If you still want more informations about Little Printer just click here !

Get Rex some Fresh Grass !

I really like applications on smartphone, but most of the time I find them fun but useless. The one I picked up doesn't belong to the useless ones ! As I am a dog owner and living in a big city I found this Eukanuba "Off Leash Dog Park Locator" really useful and easy to use ! 

How does it work ?

Most of the time when you are living in a big city it's not easy to find a park to walk wit your dog.
"Off Leash" makes that easier ! It helps you locate the closest off leash dog parks. It pinpoints your location and display the five closest parks !
You just have to click on one of those parks and then the app will show you the directions to get there.

Here is the direct link to "Off Leash". You can also find it in the iTunes App Store.

mercredi 7 décembre 2011

Seven Hotel Online Visibility

What level do you think you are ?

I think I'm between descriptive and analytical with maybe sometimes some insightful parts.
I try to find articles regarding the subject but maybe I still stick too much to what is said within these articles. I think I have to push myself more and find better examples, more insights.