lundi 12 décembre 2011

Super Sweet New Companion !

Hi everybody !

Today I want to introduce you a new super sweet invention ! Please welcome "Little Printer" !

The only thing you have to do with this cute thing it to connect it to your smartphone, choose for great content to transfer and then Little Printer delivers you a small but really cute "newspapers" of your day and highlighted events !

To know more about Little Printer see the video below !

Hello Little Printer, available 2012 from BERG on Vimeo

If you still want more informations about Little Printer just click here !

Get Rex some Fresh Grass !

I really like applications on smartphone, but most of the time I find them fun but useless. The one I picked up doesn't belong to the useless ones ! As I am a dog owner and living in a big city I found this Eukanuba "Off Leash Dog Park Locator" really useful and easy to use ! 

How does it work ?

Most of the time when you are living in a big city it's not easy to find a park to walk wit your dog.
"Off Leash" makes that easier ! It helps you locate the closest off leash dog parks. It pinpoints your location and display the five closest parks !
You just have to click on one of those parks and then the app will show you the directions to get there.

Here is the direct link to "Off Leash". You can also find it in the iTunes App Store.

mercredi 7 décembre 2011

Seven Hotel Online Visibility

What level do you think you are ?

I think I'm between descriptive and analytical with maybe sometimes some insightful parts.
I try to find articles regarding the subject but maybe I still stick too much to what is said within these articles. I think I have to push myself more and find better examples, more insights.

samedi 26 novembre 2011

Are You a Sleep Texter ?

Do you sleep with your iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung (...) next to your pillow ?

If you read this article, you may have to reconsider this ...

Apparently some people take their phones during the night and are unconsciously sending cabbalistic text messages to their contacts.
This article explains that these people tend to be people who have a stressing busy life during the day with many things to do.
It sounds quite alarming to me, are we such under pressure that some of us feel they have to be around the clock 24/7 ?

Maybe we should learn how to switch off sometimes ...

vendredi 25 novembre 2011

Dorchester Collection Digital IQ Analysis

Luxury Online Strategy : Dior Sets an Example

When luxury consumers are seeking for information on the Internet before buying product and are in a certain crisis of confidence which lead them to choose between desire and durable investment, luxury brands know that they must again give a meaning to the act of purchase. 

How ? While coming back to their roots, by developing the quality and the exclusiveness of the products, their know-how and their history, and by nourishing the relation with their customer. 

Nowadays, all luxury brands websites have an iconographic section which is sublimating their past. Someparticularly in order to justify their prices, highlight their know-how. For exemple Chaumet, Rolex, TagHeuer or Hermès propose a video section showing the craftsmen at work and revealing the backstage of the executions.

It is today all the more necessary as Web 2.0 transformed the web into a space of conversations, avid of contents, with its forumsblogs, sites of consumers opinions and social networks (Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc).

From now on,only a small part of luxury brands can imagine the launch of a new product without their relational section directly targetting the blogosphere.

It's the model followed for the launching of the saga Lady Dior carried out by the Balistikar tagency, specialized in luxury brands buzz. Christian Dior Couture completed this operation by a teasing sent by email to his european database.

It is all the logic of the saga Lady Dior 100%Web (see article here: a glamor movie interpreted by an Oscar-winning actress, Marion Cotillard, associated with a refined buzz operation, and thanks to this promotion, all the blogosphe spread the message and then ensure, via posts straight away referred in search engines, a great notoriety to Dior and its new product.

And you, do you think luxury brands have to use social media so much ? Don't you think there will be a risk of dispertion of their brand image ?

jeudi 24 novembre 2011

The L2 Digital IQ Travel & Luxury Report


We can see that these two industries have a different way to manage their digital marketing. On the one hand, we notice that the luxury industry, even if it is present online still remain quite confidential. Luxury industry wants to enhance its exclusivity and not showing too much of what she can offer through online ads, or else it might lost its prestige. On the contrary, travel industry has learned how to use to their best the media tools available today. Travel industry is everywhere, expanding itself through internet so that it can be seen by everybody. By the way, it is not a hazard that you’ll find three airlines in the top three Digital IQ companies.
     For both industries it is an important tool which allow them to enlarge their clientele, interact with their customers, offer real time information and personalized services.