lundi 21 novembre 2011

How About Baby Boxes ?

What is a baby box ?

It is a place where a woman can leave her child when she wishes to abandon him/her. Baby boxes exist in Belgium, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Slovakia.

How does it work ?

A woman leaves the child in the box which is placed outside the hospital. Children can be left there up to one year in the great part of the countries previously quoted. When the child is put in this box, an alarm goes off and tells instantly the nurses in the hospital that there is a baby in the box, so that the child won't be abandoned outside alone.
Some say that it is a good principle,which is not my point, they argue that it could reduce the number of abortions, that it protects from children running wild, that it prevents infanticides and child-abuse. Well, why not, but I think that these boxes are just a regress, that it encourages the mom to give birth alone and to get rid of the baby like an object without questioning themselves. I think it makes "easier" the choice to abandon the baby as things will be done totally anonymously, the mother would not be seen as a bad person, or questioned about her action, as no one will know. The statistics reveal that the majority of the women who use these boxes are very young people, isolated and generally in situation of social marginalization.

And you ? What do you think about it ?

Want to know more ? Just click here !

4 commentaires:

  1. I think this baby box idea helps to preserve the anonymity of the mothers.

    We can imagine that young women may not have the money for abortion but they also don' t want to give their baby up to adoption. Therefore the baby box is the best they can get for their children while not revealing their own identity.

  2. Thank you for sharing this article as I didn't heard about baby boxes.
    I do understand and agree on the fact that this is better than leave your own child on the street, but I am sure we can find another alternative.
    In my point of view this is just completely scary.

  3. Nice article..never heard about that.. however, I think these "baby boxes" just make it easier for mothers to abandon their child... which is horrible. Instead of these boxes, hospitals, associations and family planning should increase their preventive measures for that not to happen; eg: prevent unwanted pregnancies by more informing about contraceptive methods, etc..

  4. Thanks for sharing this article with us since I ve never heard about it before! I disagree totally with the idea ...
